The Public Works Department within the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works delivers projects to improve the environment for public well-being, at the local community level, while undertaking the planning, design, coordination and implementation of major capital projects, actions and measures at a regional or national scale, to meet current and emerging challenges of climate change and sustainable development goals.

Policy objectives for the attainment of sustainable development goals and climate action

Five thematic areas have been identified as “Pathways for sustainability”:​

  • Coastal-climate ris​k protection​​​​
  • Energy performance in buildings​​
  • Integrated stormwa​​ter management
  • Sustainable urban environments and mobility
  • Use of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure in all the above and more widely.
The Public Works Department's vision is to:​​
  • ​Plan, coordinate and implement projects and initiatives that focus on concrete action in the five “pathways to sustainability”;
  • Provide a national focal point and drive for SDGs and Climate Action, through its executive work functions by orienting its policy objectives towards these five specific areas as pillars of its core functions;
  • Engage all stakeholders, coordinate collective actions in practice, and contribute to national and international SDG and Climate Action policy in this five-pronged approach.​